Looking Back on the Three-Day Fast

I wrote about what it was like fasting while I was doing it, and given a few days (and some over-indulgence), I wanted to share what it feels like to look back on the fast, and how I feel about it now that I have some context and some distance.

Continuing the Three-Day Fast

So far, I’d found the first 24 hours of fasting much easier than expected. The next few hours were going to be much tougher, although I didn’t know that yet. As I mentioned in the previous article, on The Three-Day Fast, I’d already begun to feel some of the advantages linked with disrupting the daily…

A Three-Day Fast. The First 24 Hours

Fasting has lots of health benefits – that’s a subject for another article because it’s so involved and interesting it deserves proper consideration. Given everything I’d heard and read about these benefits, I’d decided to try it when the opportunity presented itself. This article is about the experience of fasting. It’s a for beginners article,…

Not Quite A Waterzooi

Waterzooi is a traditional Belgian dish that can be easily adapted to meet the requirements of the ketogenic diet. Keto Qualifications Watezooi is principally a chicken broth with a few vegetables added to it. It cooks slowly and for a long time. The addition of bacon and the removal of vegetables not at the top…

What is Ketosis?

This article is part of a series of articles about Ketosis. Ketosis is a state your body enters into when it is no longer possible for it to generate energy from carbohydrates. When this occurs, a second method of energy generation occurs, where the liver breaks down fatty acids to generate ketone bodies which the…

Falling like a stone – or a feather

The weight just keeps coming off. To the point where I’m now looking at the timing of when I end this diet because it can’t continue like this. The latest update is that I am now at a weight of 159.6 pounds after 11 days of dieting, from a starting point of 167 pounds. Oh…

Progress Report – Weight

I’ve made some amazing progress in terms of this current diet, and I wanted to share that with you, my silent hidden readers (I see you, shy people, lurking behind my google stats. You can comment, I don’t bite). But “hey my weight was x and now it’s y” doesn’t make for a great blog…

Diet Week Two

The diet enters week two. When you’re a bit of a foodie, eating the same kind of food all the time tends to make all the days blend into each other. I lose my sense of time as every dish looks a lot like the last one. I also lose a lot of time preparing…

Low fat, low carb, low enjoyment

I’m not enjoying this diet. Low carb, low fat, fairly high protein, low enjoyment, low satisfaction. That’s the list of adjectives that best describes the purgatory diet I’m currently on. The day tends to go something like this: The meals are all there, but there’s just nothing in them, and the energy I usually have…

It’s not me, it’s her

There’s bumps in the road, and there’s falling off the wagon, and there’s occasional missed targets. This isn’t any of those. This is what happens when your second child comes along.

Time-Shifting to Mornings

“I am not a morning person.” I have said that to anyone who cared to ask for the last… ahem… several years. This was blatantly not true, or perhaps true insofar as it was convenient. I have, under the influence of peer-group pressure, risen at the unearthly hour of 5.30am two mornings a week for…

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is the sensation of stiffness and soreness you get in muscle groups you’ve exercised harder or in ways they’re not used to, usually one to two days after the exercise occurred. It’s caused by microscopic damage to the muscle fibres caused by an increase in your exercise intensity, a change…